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Services Offer:

According to Accreditation Certificate No. LI 1276 and Annex No. 1 of the Accreditation Certificate:

  1. Determining dry matter and water content.
  2. Determining pH by potentiometric method.
  3. Determining electrical conductivity and total soluble salt content.
  4. Determining humus content.
  5. Determining nitrogen content.
  6. Determining carbonate content.
Analiza solului 1
Analiza solului 2
Analiza solului 3
  1. Determining cation exchange properties:
    • Sum of exchangeable basic cations (SB)
    • Hydrolytic acidity (Ah)
    • Degree of saturation with exchangeable basic cations (Vah)
  2. Determining extractable phosphorus in ammonium lactate-acetate solution
  3. Determining potassium content
  4. Determining microelements (Cu, Cd, Cr, Co, Pb, Mn, Ni, Zn)
  5. Determining granulometric composition
  6. Determining bulk density

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© A&S International Group 2000

Giulesti Ave. no. 333, District 6, Bucharest

Phone: +40 212 209 909

Email: office@grupas2000.ro

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